Hey Suzanne, Once again, I appreciate your nuanced worldview. I agree that looking at educational moves as either good or bad is a gross oversimplification. I minimize my role as sage-on-the-stage or edutainer and mostly function as a. guide-on-the-side. I just started doing my spring after-school and home-school nature-science enrichment meetups. I stared, always, going around the circle for check-in. Right after check-in, I enacted my observation of a bobcat catching a squirrel. That was my 60 seconds of edutainment for our two-hour meeting. I think that my crawling like a bobcat helped establish playfulness as a cultural norm in our little group.

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exactly - entertaining can very much be a part of teaching and learning... as Mary Poppins says, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down... (I must learn how to write that without singing it... but maybe not, I think the little song in my head is fine - haha)

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